February 1, 2012

  • So I ate, spent some time on the phone, and now I'm watching a disappointing game...and of course I'm here now. The funniest thing to happen today was when my supervisor asked me if the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were the same thing. Let me run this down: legislative director at a law firm asked if those two pieces of legislation were the same. I was in utter shock for a few seconds before I answered the question.

    Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful day. I need to get up and do something. I want to work out, but I'm not sure I'll feel up to it. If UConn doesn't play any better, though; I'll be sufficiently upset to at least get a light workout in. After that, internet radio show and then I'll be going to sleep (might not make the whole show) since tomorrow's a 7:00 day...which is alright because Friday's a 2:30. Earlier than it's been, but late enough.

    Before I press 'Submit', RIP to Don Cornelius and Charlie Spoonhour. Spoonhour was a coach at (the University of) St. Louis and I'm sure most people know who Cornelius is.