January 13, 2012

  • Dang, I almost didn't blog today...because if I didn't do it now it wouldn't have happened. I decided to just stay here last night. Laid in bed all morning, but worked out this afternoon after listening to the 99 Jamz mix. I then watched the Disney version of Robin Hood before getting up to go to work. Felt like I was barely there. Oh: one of the ladies bought me pancakes. No idea why, but I'm quite appreciative. Saves me from having to buy breakfast for next week, although I'll have to get butter and syrup (don't think we have those). There wasn't a whole lot of work to do, which was to be expected. Came back here and I think I'm going to take a nap. I wish I lived in a real city where there was some spot to go to before "club time" like a Blue Martini or Wet Willie's, but whatever. Yes, I know I don't drink...but it'd be nice to be social somewhere in a more chill atmosphere before ramping things up. As far as whether I go out tonight, I'll leave that up to others. If I get a call I'll go: if not I'll stay here. Have a feeling I'll get one. Anyway, I'm going to watch Salt (totally forgot I set a reminder) since I've never seen it and heard it was good. See y'all tomorrow.