January 12, 2012

  • And it's finally arrived...Thursday night. I am indeed going in at 3 tomorrow and I have Monday off. Oh yeah, and tomorrow is casual dress. I'll bore y'all with work stuff since all I did was sleep and work in the last 24.

    It was questionable whether I'd have Monday off, and I was fully expecting to work. Even had a deal with my supervisor that he'd give me a day off with pay for having to work Monday (which I'd have preferred to having Monday off), but then our managing shareholder decided that there was no need for us to come in Monday.

    Skipped the staff meeting to work, because I'd rather work than go to staff meetings. I know that sounds funny, but as a collective I don't too much care for the staff as a whole. Sorry.

    I have no clue what I'm going to do tonight. I could live it up. I could sleep. I could do both. Shoot, I have no idea. As far as tomorrow, I will definitely lay around and maybe start this King piece (for those who don't know, I've written something regarding MLK the last two years). Shoot, I'll just let the day and the weekend come to me. Nothing out there really worth getting, per se. Shoot, that sounds like a plan.

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  • I always thought I could really hang with a swing shift like that - mostly because I'm always killing myself to do anything that works between "work" hours - dr appts, bank...But I don't think I would want to come in at 3 on a Friday. Hell, I HATE mornings and I make my best effort to get to work by 8 am on Friday's so that I can leave at 4. LOL
    Anyway, I'm glad you got Monday off. We don't MLK day off and I kinda hate that we don't. :/

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