February 27, 2011

  • So I got a lot done yesterday. I worked out, cleaned the house, washed clothes, washed the car, went to the baseball game, and went to the club. My dad would be proud of everything except the fun stuff...okay, maybe he'd be mad at the fact that I actually let my clothes dry in the dryer. At any rate, I had a really productive day. I still have one load of clothes to wash and I need to get my clothes ready for next week, but other than that everything is great. Kitchen is clean, bathroom is clean...we interrupt this blog entry for a special bulletin: the girl from last week sent me a text and now we're having a text convo. Now back to our regularly scheduled blog...and things are good around here. Pushed myself a bit more working out, and somehow I had a bunch of energy and washed the car really quickly.

    Went to the baseball game, and it was surprisingly breezy. It was almost cold. I know: funny. Hofstra scored the first 3 runs, but then FSU scored the next 16. Yeah, le sigh. Came home and made dinner, then went out after watching Superfly and Cooley High. The night was decent, but a bit disappointing considering the hype. The party was hosted by some KOD dancers so I was expecting a little more entertainment. The bit of entertainment was way up there - literally, in a way - but there wasn't enough of it. Came home and that was it...yes, I'm sparing details.

    Baseball game at 1 and then I'll get ready for the week. Now to continue this text convo.